Musings of a Damaged Mind

Friday, December 01, 2006

There's more? Much more!


Today I got to work an extra 2 hours. Hooray for pocket book, boo for the weekend. This was supposed to be my first weekend off in a year or so. Of course something happened. The assistant manager walked in and quit today. That means my weekend has been ended. I didn't really have that much planned so it's not that bad. I still have Sunday completely off but I have to open on Saturday. There is a tiny buzz about a possible promotion. It was mentioned 4 times today and once even by the manager lady. I'm not holding my breath. The former assistant manager asked for my # so he could call me for some computer work. It would mainly be typing up documents and junk. Why the hell not! I can always use some extra bucks.

Currently listening to Bad Ideas by Adult


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